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NIC Teaming in VMWare

For a reason, wont state why, I needed to use NIC Teaming in our private VMWare.
But for those who have tried you know this is not possible by default.. but I did find a way from a post on VMWare's forum.

In the post it gives steps to use the original Intel E1000 driver and by that make it possible to install the ProWin software and using that setup Teaming and VLAN's and stuff.
These are the steps
  1. Download the PROWinX64.exe from Intel
  2. Extract PROWinX64.exe with the following command: " prowinx64.exe /s /e /f "c:\temp"
  3. Open Devicemanager and go to the already installed E1000 ethernet adapters.
  4. For each one do
    1. Click "Update driver software..."
    2. Click "Browse my computer for driver software"
    3. Click "Let me pick from a list of device drivers on my computer"
    4. Click "Have Disk"
    5. Click "Browse"
    6. Point to "C:\temp\pro1000\winx64\ndis61"
    7. Click "Next"
  5. Once you have all the adapers changed to the original Intel driver run the PROWinX64.exe and go through the setup steps.
  6. When the setup has finishe you can open driver properties from the adapter or device manager and you should see Teaming, VLAN and so forth.

As usual I take no responsability that this wont crash your computer, hardware or burn down your house.. but it did work for me!
Good luck!

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