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How to Find Windows Version, Edition and Build from ISO, DVD or USB.

How to Find Windows Version, Edition and Build from ISO, DVD or USB.

Last updated on December 8th, 2018

If you have downloaded a Windows 10 ISO file in the past and you don't remember which Windows 10 version, edition or build the ISO file contains, then in this article you 'll read the easiest way to find out this information. 

Read more: How to Find Windows Version, Edition and Build from ISO, DVD or USB.

Fixing Windows 10 Automatic Updates Install Problem

"Windows Update" is an essential program and part of Windows operating system. It regularly checks Microsoft servers for available updates, hotfixes and new hardware drivers. If it finds any new updates available, it notifies you about the updates and lets you download and install them in your computer system.

Installing these updates in Windows is very important as it improves Windows performance, reliability and stability. It also fixes several security issues if found in Windows operating system.

Read more: Fixing Windows 10 Automatic Updates Install Problem

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